a time for change
It seems like I change my mind every year, but I am pretty sure Spring is my new favorite season! There are no nutritional tips + tricks for you in this short post, just my thoughts on how inspiring this time of year can be on so many different levels. I love watching everything slowly turn greener and greener, and more colors burst into bloom, reminding us that with this color comes life. It is hard to not be encouraged by the beauty surrounding us (even in Oklahoma!). I am reminded of the quote “in time, everything blooms.” We just need to trust.
If you are not necessarily where you want to be in your life – whether it be your ideal body weight, health (or lack-there-of), career, family dreams, fitness goals, relationships, spiritual journey or anything in between, HANG ON. It is there. It may not be perfect according to your time-line, but really what good things in life ever are? Embrace this “space-between.” Just as seasons shift, sometimes not even right on cue, seasons in our life are forever-changing. And that is okay. We all just need to take a time out and give ourselves grace (personally, this is a work in progress). When the right time comes, that shift of season will happen. Nothing is permanent, so breathe into where you are, be grateful, and continue to trust in your path. One. Step. Forward. (then maybe two steps back – but hey! That’s okay. You are not alone).
It is this time of year where many of us are excited + ready to cleanse our body, minds, closets + homes. Some of us like to hit a little of it all. My goal for the remainder of this month is to clean out my kitchen, including drawers, pantry, refrigerator (yikes!) + all the nooks and crannies that seem to get overlooked and cramped up throughout the year. (Contact me to see how I can help you re-shape your pantry according to your health goals!).
I challenge you to pick just one area of your life to focus on cleansing this season. Will it be your mind? (Stay tuned for a post on mindset – my favorite + most crucial piece of the pie!). Or your space? Your diet? Closet? Car? (<— can I just say that I need all of this?! Who’s with me?) With my holistic health coaching, I help my clients address many areas of their life, understanding that it is all connected. As we shift one area of life in a positive direction, it is contagious, and just may be the thing we needed for the other areas to fall into place as they may.
So jump into this season head first, spending time reflecting on what it is YOU need as things around you continue to bloom! Commit to that change, do the work, and most importantly enjoy the journey!
What area in your life do you feel ready to cleanse?
My fav post! Thank you! I know it was posted for spring, but I needed this today and it is almost summer, right?!